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A Chuck To Clamp Them All | Making A Split Jaw Chuck For The Mini Lathe

Ajouté le dim. 14 avril 2024 Science et technologie Rectangular HD

Vidéo sponsorisée S

Special tasks require special tools. I have a lot of workholding options for my lathe but nothing for clamping special parts like thin washers or disks. So I came up with the idea of making myself an 80mm split jaw chuck for my Mini Lathe. This type of lathe chucks is often found on bigger industrial or CNC machines. As far as I know there is no 80mm version of a split jaw chuck available on the market, so I had to make my own.

So I'm modifying in this video an off the shelf 3 jaw chuck into a split jaw version. That means that there are base jaws on which you can screw on all different kinds of top jaws. In my case I made aluminium top jaws which can be adapted to clamp very thin parts.
So in general this type of chuck is extremely versatile and can sometimes be the only option to clamp special or odd shaped parts.

Thanks to: www.ragotzkygaetje.de

Link to the chuck I used:https://www.spannsysteme-shop.de/dreibackenfutter-drehfutter-guss-80-mm-k11-80-spanntechnik.html

Many thanks to the tool supplier Ragotzky+Gätjen for sending me the chuck and the spare block jaws for free and supporting my work.

Consider their webshop for your next tool purchase: www.ragotzkygaetje.de

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Cette chaîne Youtube est dédiée à mettre en valeur l'art de l'ingénierie de précision et de la mécanique, avec un focus sur les modifications de tour mini et les projets DIY. Le créateur partage son expertise et ses expériences dans la mise à niveau et la personnalisation de son tour mini, ainsi que la création de divers outils et accessoires. La chaîne couvre un large éventail de sujets, des modifications de mandrin de tour à la gravure sur métal et les techniques de mécanique. Les téléspectateurs peuvent s'attendre à apprendre de didacticiels détaillés, de walkthroughs de projet et de commentaires éclairés sur le processus de conception et de fabrication.
Hello and welcome to my channel!

You'll find videos on Mini-Lathe improvements and Mini-Lathe work, hobby engineering toolmaking and machining, restoration.

Contact: info@wecandothatbetter.de