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Good to learn from the mistakes of other riders - Ride Safe

Ajouté le sam. 15 mai 2021 Auto/Moto Rectangular HD Age restreint

The newest "epic motorcycle moments" episode is ready!

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I'm adding my narrative to this movie to clarify the context.
Remember - it's always worth learning from other bikers' mistakes.
All clips were used with permission of their original creators:

0:09 Yo Yo - crazy biker moment - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxQziznRDYw1PPceH-vN4EA
0:42 TooSlowTom - Yamaha R1 vs Bad Driver - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_qVsLKUS6qnv_rkhfzY3Nw
1:13 MrSmoothWithIt - CAR DRIVER ALMOST HITS BIKER - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGoTqLULyy6A8TseJQwArLg
2:06 Ricardo MotoVlog - biker's mistake - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfsIAh4BOQ83BRvpx4Dxkww
3:04 Vagabundo Internacional - demanding turn is taken by a biker - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHd-DH3-XwQBjeNU1dHMvaA
3:33 Rileyfz09 - Motorcycle close call - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWXGbrojknT9Mg2nWRZGxmQ
3:57 DJ RicklePick - Biker almost gets hit by careless driver - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBPSozmq9c8uDfc5Vmv-IUw
4:22 PlutoniMoto - Crazy Drivers and Close Calls - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb8P7yPiM2n2CM80JwwlkDQ
5:40 Biker Denim - it wasn't the best place for that - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa64kLRlJUMlCAj-XveMgDQ
6:31 MOTOMOOD - Some Random Great Driving - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSyXDVriTixQJX9hki5LiiA
7:24 PsychoRider - passenger falls off the motorcycle - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnE-1p1WEUkk2P37npJze9Q
8:31 Henry Jackson - when bad drivers get together - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSS7GQ8RdCHIADpLtyHUEUQ
9:08 Trvpicxl - the biker has not mastered the bike and hits the curb - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAWiUFJi4APIR12Pq3VIwnQ
9:51 MajkiR6 - driver at the roundabout - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ0XJftwPB-tTo7NsFU18vQ
10:01 KTM Israel - crazy biker moment - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCputgk9NZLlca8uEOCbAU9A

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Résumé automatique
Cette chaîne Youtube est dédiée à présenter des moments de moto intenses et dramatiques, mettant en avant l'importance de la conduite défensive, de la prise de conscience situationnelle et de l'apprentissage des erreurs des autres pour éviter les accidents et les quasi-accidents sur la route. La chaîne propose une collection de moments de moto fous, épiques et incroyables, souvent avec un focus sur la sécurité et le comportement routier responsable. Les téléspectateurs peuvent s'attendre à voir une gamme de contenu lié aux motos, des cavaliers vivant des appels de près et des accidents à des démonstrations de techniques de conduite appropriées et de conseils de sécurité.
Hello guys! I created this channel to show my passion for bikes in most creatively.

My channel is focused on creating content about Moto, Motorcycles, Motorbikes, Bikers from reactions to analysis videos, reviews, ending explained videos and everything in between. Check out my most interesting episode series - Epic Motorcycle Moments! I'm adding my narrative to all videos to clarify the context.

All of my videos are created with one purpose in mind. How to ride safely and sensibly in road traffic. It is worth learning from the mistakes of other motorcyclists!

All clips featured on this channel are used with original copyright owners, written permission. Links to the original owners are credited in the description.

Moto Stars