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[Weapons 101] How does a Mortar work?

Ajouté le ven. 25 mars 2016 Éducation Rectangular HD

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Modern mortars evolved from the so-called "Stokes Mortar", but the basic principles still apply. This video gives you a short overview on mortars.

A modern mortar is a weapon that provides short-range indirect fire at high angles, usually between 45 and 80 degree. Unlike traditional (old) mortars it was relatively small and mobile, which made it well-suited for trench warfare and also maneuver warfare, because unlike unwieldy artillery it could be used directly by the infantry units at the front line.

Script and further information here: http://militaryhistoryvisualized.com/how-does-a-mortar-work/

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Hogg, Ian V.: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Ammunition

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Great video that shows the removal of several augmenting charges at around 3:00


---Notes on Accuracy & “Methodology”---
Note that the mortar shell and mortar are not of the same type (and diameter in real life), but the functionality is similar.
1) The depicted Mortar Shell is a 8cm Wgr 38.
2) The depicted detailed Mortar is roughly a Esperanza 60mm Model ‘L’ Mortar.
3) The depicted Mortars in the beginning are US M2 60mm mortars.

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»» Personal & Educational Background ««
Bernhard Kast
Master of Arts in History from the University of Salzburg (Austria)
Bachelor and Master of Science in Computer Science from the University of Salzburg (Austria)
Internship at the Military Research Institute (Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt) in Potsdam (Germany)