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Jeux habituellement joués : Farming Simulator 22 (70%) • Farming Simulator 19 (24%) • Farming Simulator 20 (1%) •+ 1 supplémentaires

Truck and Excavator, Dump Truck - Fairy Tale About Construction Machines and Road construction

Ajouté le jeu. 11 janv. 2018 Films et Animations Rectangular HD

Animated Animation for Children about small construction vehicles. Road construction machine.
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Bajki dla dzieci o traktorach, rolnikach oraz innych wspaniałych maszynach. Zobacz, jak zabawki ożywają ! Film skierowany dla najmłodszych dzieci , dla pobudzania ich wyobraźni przy pomocy kolorowych obiektów . Każdy epizod będzie pomagał dziecku w rozwijaniu kreatywności i logicznego rozumowania

Fairy tales for children about tractors, farmers and other great machines. See how the toys come to life ! Film directed for the youngest children , to stimulate their imagination with brightly colored objects. Each episode will help your child develop creativity and logical reasoning

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Hello, welcome to my Bazylland channel
Enjoy watching my Farming Simulator 22 videos daily and subscribe to my channel!

How I Make Videos:

I play Farming Simulator 19/22 along with the game mods and create different scenes and maps for each movie.

I make thumbnails by taking a screenshot of my Farming Simulator 19/22 game.
Later, I edit these screenshots and create the thumbnails.

All footage used in my video is 100% captured and I am my property.

* Every gameplay clip on this channel is recorded and edited by me (NO RE-USE OF CONTENT).

#LS22 #bazylland #tractor @bazylland-tractors & Excavators

