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Stephanie and Claire Nielson: The Resilient Bond of a Mother and Daughter

Ajouté le mer. 8 mai 2024 Actualités et politique Rectangular HD

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When Claire Nielson was 8 years old, her parents were involved in a small plane accident that left both her mom and dad badly injured, including burns that covered 80 percent of her mother’s body. Immediately following the accident, Claire’s mother, Stephanie, was barely recognizable but then Claire saw something she knew completely: Her mother’s eyes. On this week’s episode, Stephanie and Claire Nielson testify of God’s goodness even amidst the unthinkable and love’s power to conquer all things.

2:46- Growing Up Quickly 6:32- The Power of Eyes 11:40- Meant To Be Their Mom 15:31- Pulling Out the Box 20:17- Finding Healing Through Burns 24:28- The Process 28:21- Looking Away From the Mirror and Out the Window 32:57- Intentional Parenting 36:35- Bittersweet 46:12- What Does It Mean To Be All In the Gospel of Jesus Christ?

“It’s the bitter and the sweet, the happy and the sad, the helping and the healing and we do both at the same time and we become more because of it.” -Claire Nielson


Stephanie’s book, “Heaven Is Here” (https://www.amazon.com/Heaven-Here-Incredible-Triumph-Everyday/dp/1401341799)

“God Needs Mothers of All Kinds” (Previous All In Mother’s Day episode): (https://www.facebook.com/DeseretBook/videos/238925127185738/?__xts__[0]=68.ARB4kqQ3WFpG-9nZtGj4Gz08ETxlQjYtFczU9jxLH3ulOb8rM8YQD2QxsEuveml2_gQFteVfE2KlRRaERxFfK1TqUWE9HNxvFdNyLeivlV3SM2ZgqA-WFevHQzZj4cPhjpKBPhPAk2u9H-B9pcT2jCNmg_qSjMY2Hf7mr4w7WzRkeykCrb2QJtMtUWjcOO89HMYmDcxqLSXTNHNOmCEXn6cQKhbigUPswpz2nUtMOVXSxfrP8kYGG18UCSl9_-7ewHREX79oyJfVZ2FfrmhWKDEDwthEexfVj0nzOvit06b742_AkRGNTxRdXPRousSyf6lfyHZ_xqh9--KCqc2Yn2gRMvc)

Show notes and audio (https://www.ldsliving.com/all-in/god-needs-mothers-of-all-kinds)


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