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Usual games played : Minecraft (35%) • Among Us (10%) • Detroit: Become Human (5%) •+ 32 more

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WhaTheGame WhaTheGame
Spain - Gaming

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Automatic summary
The channel primarily revolves around gaming, particularly live streaming sessions, often involving survival and adventure genres. The host actively interacts with the audience, addressing various topics, responding to questions, and sharing opinions on industry trends. Occasionally, the channel may venture into broader subjects related to personal experiences, social issues, and creative endeavors.
Tanto si JUEGAS videojuegos como si NO, este canal es PURO HUMOR Y RISA. No tienes por qué ser gamer para disfrutar los vídeos ^_^
Mis vídeos son para echarse unas risas y tienen el propósito de ser divertidos, independientemente de tu edad o si eres muy gamer o no.

Mi canal principal es