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markserbu markserbu
United States - Education

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Automatic summary
MarkSerbu's YouTube channel primarily focuses on showcasing innovative firearms designs, DIY projects, and reviews, covering aspects such as manufacturing techniques, caliber comparisons, and performance tests. Hosted by Mark Serbu, the channel includes insightful conversations with guests, highlighting their contributions to the field. Additionally, the channel touches upon broader topics like 3D printing, auto maintenance, and outdoor activities like flying.
Hi, I'm Mark Serbu, lifelong gun nut, degreed mechanical engineer, gun designer, founder and owner and president of Serbu Firearms, Inc. I'm also a pretty decent self-taught TIG welder, machinist, CNC programmer and assembly guy. I'm trying to teach the basic principles of firearm design and engineering (which apply to ALL product design and engineering), including mechanisms, materials, heat treat, stresses, math, etc. Thanks for stopping by!