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2 Jan 2020
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Welcome to The Litterate Man, where no speck of litter goes unnoticed. 🧹

👁️‍🗨️ About This Channel:
Are you ready to be unapologetically political?
This space was born from a passion for political sarcasm, recognizing its unique ability to not only entertain but also influence. Here, we question the status quo of India & those whose duty it was to do the questioning in the first place - the Indian Media.

🤝 Community:
This isn't just a channel; it's a community. Join like-minded individuals who appreciate the power of political satire in conveying messages that resonate. Together, we navigate the complex realm of politics and building a space where political insight hrive portraying the world as it is.

📌 Connect With Us:
Follow us on Instagram for additional content, updates. Your voice matters, and we want to hear what you have to say.

🙌 Thank you for being a part of this journey!
Together, let's laugh, learn, and, most importantly, think critically about the world we live in.


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Automatic summary
This YouTube channel features a series of in-depth and insightful commentary on Indian politics, media, and current affairs. The videos cover a wide range of topics, including political debates, government policies, and social issues, with a focus on analyzing and critiquing the actions of various political parties, media personalities, and public figures. The channel also addresses the issue of fake news and media bias, and provides a platform for discussion and reflection on the state of Indian democracy. The content is presented in a mix of English, Hindi, and Hinglish, with a focus on providing thought-provoking and informative content for a diverse audience.
Welcome to The Litterate Man, where no speck of litter goes unnoticed. 🧹

👁️‍🗨️ About This Channel:
Are you ready to be unapologetically political?
This space was born from a passion for political sarcasm, recognizing its unique ability to not only entertain but also influence. Here, we question the status quo of India & those whose duty it was to do the questioning in the first place - the Indian Media.

🤝 Community:
This isn't just a channel; it's a community. Join like-minded individuals who appreciate the power of political satire in conveying messages that resonate. Together, we navigate the complex realm of politics and building a space where political insight hrive portraying the world as it is.

📌 Connect With Us:
Follow us on Instagram for additional content, updates. Your voice matters, and we want to hear what you have to say.

🙌 Thank you for being a part of this journey!
Together, let's laugh, learn, and, most importantly, think critically about the world we live in.