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Automatic summary
This YouTube channel presents a wide array of eclectic and whimsical content, touching upon various topics such as biology, pop culture, education, artistry, and comedy. The audience can expect humorously delivered lectures, inventive creations, comical critiques, absurdist poetry, imaginative stories, and playfully sarcastic responses to everyday occurrences. While certain videos demonstrate knowledge in fields such as paleontology, linguistics, and literature, the primary focus lies in entertainment through unpredictability and laughter.
Hello and welcome to Jeaney Collects!

I make videos and do voices.

If you've got any ideas or suggestions for future videos, you can tag me on Twitter. If I think that I can make a decent video from it, then there's a slim chance that it will appear on the channel (at some undisclosed point in the future).

I always aim to include the links to any images or audio used in my videos. However, if I have failed to provide sufficient credit, please let me know so that I can rectify this.