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Automatic summary
This YouTube channel explores a variety of subjects, including current events, political analysis, occult studies, and book recommendations. The creator often incorporates elements of tarot readings, historic tales, and personal experiences to engage the audience. Delivered in a unique and informative manner, the channel aims to foster curiosity and promote critical thinking.
Kriss Sinclair "Marque Déposée INPI"
Bonjour, je suis ce que l'on appelle en Anglais "Change Maker", mais aussi "Organiser", "Chargée d'Affaires" " à l'International.

Je suis Passionnée de Magie et de sorcellerie ; que j'utilise à titre personnel mais aussi pour quelques personnes averties.
La Magie ou la sorcellerie n'est pas un jeu.

Je suis diplômée :
Magnétisme curatif
Maître Reiki
Medium "Ecole Arthur Findlay College" ( Stansted UK )
"Lou Yang Tao To Qui" Hohwald
Dirigeante d'Entreprises Funéraires
Licence de Psychologie
Management, "Force Manager"

Hello, I am a Change Maker but also an Organiser and a Business Manager.

I am Passionate about Magic and Witchcraft; that I use on a personal basis but also for a few informed people.
Magic or witchcraft is not a game.