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Automatic summary
The Dr. Ken Berry channel is dedicated to promoting a healthy lifestyle through proper nutrition and debunking common medical myths. Dr. Berry, a health expert, shares his knowledge and expertise on various health-related topics, including the benefits of a ketogenic diet, carnivore diet, and intermittent fasting. He also hosts live Q&A sessions, interviews with other experts, and shares inspiring stories of people who have achieved amazing health results through dietary changes. This channel is a valuable resource for anyone seeking accurate and helpful information on nutrition, health, and wellness.
Meaningful Research + Paleoanthropological Ancestry + Common-Sense...

The Proper Human Diet, presented by a Family Physician with 20 years of clinical experience. Dr. Berry has treated over 25,000 patients so far...

Get your free copy of the PROPER HUMAN DIET guidebook:

No big medical words here, just plain talk you can use to stay healthy and happy. If you like it limp-wristed and sugar-coated then you should probably look somewhere else.

I'll explain how you can use your diet and your lifestyle to get the health you want. Videos about the low-carb/ketogenic/carnivore diets, intermittent fasting, thyroid health, hormone optimization, and much more. I've declared all-out war on the epidemics of hyperinsulinemia, diabetes, and obesity currently hurting our world, and hurting your health.

Learn how to lose fat, lower your blood sugar, lower your blood pressure, optimize your hormones, and more...

Subscribe and share and join me in this fight!