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As a physician, I've spent the past decade helping people turn back the clock and throw away medications using just fitness, nutrition, and supplements. I've even gone so far as to open my own gym and work with my patients every day, tracking important measures like cholesterol and blood pressure. And now I'm taking my work here to YouTube.

My videos share proven ways to improve your health and prevent unhealthy aging. I'll explain what diets work and what to avoid, and help you make smart decisions about how you spend your time and money to get the most benefit from your efforts to stay healthy.

I started this work because there's too much bad information out there, and it gets confusing what to do. I'll cut through all the noise with real research and stories from my own patient experiences. Stay tuned and I'll make you an expert and give you total control over your health.

To check out products I recommend, visit

Dave Clayton, MD