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Automatic summary
The Jen and Julian Podcast primarily focuses on light-hearted conversations, games, and discussions between the two hosts, often joined by special guests. Topics range from personal anecdotes and trivia quizzes to parodies of popular television shows such as "Shark Tank" and "The Office". Additionally, episodes cover a variety of subjects, including technology, music, movies, books, and art, delivered in a casual and entertaining manner. Occasionally, the podcast touches on meaningful social issues and raises awareness for charitable causes.
Welcome to the Jenna & Julien Podcast where we talk about all the things. If you are looking for your everyday, normal, by the book podcast, then you're in the wrong place. We created this because we tend to have awesome, random, and sometimes drunk conversations that we realized had to be shared with the lovely internet world. So here we are. We are currently in the process of making this podcast available through iTunes so stay tuned for that.

We also like to ustream during the podcast to get some live interaction and also quick on-the-spot input on our chats--you can participate here:

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