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Automatic summary
This YouTube channel predominantly conducts thorough product reviews, focusing on consumer electronics and accessories. By integrating these items into their daily routine, reviewers evaluate their effectiveness, practicality, and innovation. Featured topics span smartphones, earbuds, smartwatches, and emerging technologies like Wi-Fi 7 and biowearables. Presenting detailed analyses, viewers gain valuable insights into the advantages and limitations of each product, enabling informed purchasing decisions.
Called a “geekalator”, David takes the complicated tech world and translates it into something everyone can understand.

He started his site, and the corresponding YouTube channel in 2009 with the ambition to help others get the most out of their tech. The site has grown to over 250,000 uniques monthly and 540,000 subscribers on YouTube.

He’s been featured on NPR, Fox Business News, Bloomberg, CNBC, and DigitalTrends. David has also written for TomsHardware and LaptopMag, and syndicated videos on DigitalTrends.