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Usual games played : Mortal Kombat (3%) • Sonic The Hedgehog (3%) • Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection (2%) •+ 31 more

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Game Sack Game Sack
United States - Gaming

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Automatic summary
Game Sack is a YouTube channel dedicated to comprehensive coverage of various topics within the realm of classic and modern video games. Through meticulous evaluations, demonstrations, and side-by-side analyses, it addresses hardware components, individual game titles, software advancements, and historical contexts spanning numerous platforms. Viewers can expect immersion into intriguing dimensions of gaming culture alongside valuable insights pertinent to enthusiasts, collectors, and scholars alike.
I'm Joe. I talk about video video games that I find interesting and a few that may not be so great. Long-ish new episode every other Sunday (at minimum) released at 12:00am mountain time (US). Thanks for checking out Game Sack!

Game Sack
PO Box 150366
Denver, CO 80215