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Automatic summary
The channel primarily focuses on showcasing unique innovations involving plasma, magnetism, high voltage, and futuristic technologies. Expect engaging content that combines creativity, scientific principles, and cutting-edge engineering concepts, ranging from plasma knives to nuclear fusion reactors.
Hi, I'm Jay. Plasma physics is more than a science to me - it's a tool for the future, and a source of inspiration for us all to reach further. This channel represents my passion for High Voltage physics, and contains a growing catalogue of any high voltage process, application, or discovery that you can think of.

I'm currently based in Seattle, WA, but broadcast globally. For all business inquiries: use below email.
If you so choose to mail me an item to display on an episode, I will provide mailing addy via email.

"Your ancestors called it magic. You call it science. I come from a place where they are one in the same"