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Usual games played : Five Nights at Freddy's (34%) • Mario Bros. (11%) • Pac-Man World (5%) •+ 14 more

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Puppet Steve is the master of Unboxings! Join Puppet Steve and co-host Zombie Steve as they review and unbox Five Nights at Freddy's, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Minecraft, Baldi's Basics, Goo Jit Zu, LEGO, Pokemon, Spongebob, and so much more!
And we can't forget about Puppet Steves friends that stop by like Plush Freddy, Plush Bendy, Puppet Alex, Skeleton Mikey who is scared of everything, Lego Batman that loves to steal the spotlight and the evil Snow Golem that wants to take over the Puppet Steve show!
Toy reviews, video game reviews, movie reviews, upcoming news, and a wide range of topics are covered while adding in humor and skits.
Please subscribe and visit often because anything can happen on the Puppet Steve show!