Automatic summary
The channel is about Japanese politics, analyzing the strategies and alliances of political parties, the prime minister, and other key figures. It focuses on the upcoming by-elections, party strategies, and the potential impact of key players, such as the Constitutional Democratic Party, Liberal Democratic Party, Japan Restoration Party, and Komeito Party. The channel also presents the current political situation in Japan, particularly Prime Minister Kishida's predicament, and explores the possibilities of personnel changes and a snap general election in the near future. It provides an in-depth analysis of the Tokyo-Chugoku by-election for the House of Representatives, examining the campaigns and strategies of various candidates and parties.
鮫島浩/ジャーナリスト。朝日新聞政治部次長を歴任し新聞協会賞受賞。巨大新聞社の崩壊を描く『朝日新聞政治部』(講談社)はベストセラーに。新刊は泉房穂氏との対談『政治はケンカだ!』。2021年に49歳で独立しSAMEJIMA TIMESを開設。講演執筆依頼は → へ。1994年京都大学法学部を卒業し朝日新聞入社。菅直人、竹中平蔵、古賀誠、与謝野馨、町村信孝ら幅広い政治家を担当。2010年に39歳の異例の若さで政治部デスクに。2012年に調査報道を専門とする特別報道部デスクへ。数多くの調査報道を指揮し「手抜き除染」報道で新聞協会賞受賞。サンデー毎日やプレジデントオンラインに寄稿、テレビ朝日やAbemaTVなど出演多数