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Minecraft Speedrun World Record 1.15

Published on Thu, Jun 11th 2020 Gaming Rectangular HD

Minecraft Speedrun World Record 1.15. This world record is for versions 1.9+, with a random seed without glitches. This was crazy.

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For anyone watching any of my old "professional speedruns", this run was officially valid and was world record for a short period of time! These runs were done on vanilla Minecraft/Optifine and did not have any mods. If you're coming here due to an invalid run from 2020, that was for a 1.16 run that was never on my Youtube or world record and was done on "fabric"! People confuse them sometimes, as that run is not counted towards the leaderboard and the runs on my Youtube all were. Any records on my Youtube were beaten a long time ago though! Really awesome for memories sake :) I don't speedrun competitively anymore, and the records you'll see on my channel were before speedrunning Minecraft competitively was a huge thing, so don't take these half decent times too seriously!

I had a lot of fun, but also a lot of headaches when trying to beat this record. I almost stopped trying multiple times, but I had my friends to encourage me to keep going. Was an amazing moment that they got to be there for me.

MAJOR props to realbenex for his amazing time. I saw it midway through attempting this record, and almost gave up because it was such a great run.

Previous WR was 22:18 by realbenex @RealBenex

Version: 1.15.2
Seed: -8838743941849800027
Difficulty: Normal

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Clay, widely recognized as Dream, operates a popular YouTube channel centered around Minecraft content creation. His offerings include gaming sessions, challenges, competitions, Q&As, interviews, and tutorials. Viewers can anticipate innovative concepts, creative modding, engaging narratives, and exceptional editing techniques, complemented by frequent appearances from notable influencers within the Minecraft community.
Minecraft stuff, yes, my IGN is Dream