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10 True Scary Christmas Stories with Mortis Media

Published on Sat, Dec 26th 2020 Entertainment Rectangular SD

Join Mortis Media and me as we tell 10 true and scary Christmas stories on my channel and more on his channel. Visit this link to see his video.

Please wear a mask to protect yourself and others. If you would like the new KOC Ichigo Face Mask, they are available here:

Twitter @killerorangecat
Facebook @killerorangecat

"Home Alone" by Jason H
"Christmas Present" by Kyle W.
"Shop" by Anonymous
"Santa Claus" by Anonymous
"Christmas Giving" by Michael D
"Christmas Stalker" appears on this channel by permission of Mortis Media. Linkg to story is here
"Santa's Pride and Joy: appears on this channel by permission of Mortis Media. Linkg to story is here
"Evil Santa" appears on this channel by permission of Mortis Media. Linkg to story is here
"Christmas Ghost" appears on this channel by permission of Mortis Media. Linkg to story is here
"Getting Chased" appears on this channel by permission of Mortis Media. Linkg to story is here

Have a story you'd like narrated on killer orange cat? If the story is original, please email it to

All pictures are from and used in accordance with their licensing agreement.

All videos except for the video for Fall were taken by Jacob Fox and are property of Killer Orange Cat. The fall video is from and used in accordance with their licensing agreement.

The logo is by Monique Inquez

Merry Christmas to anyone singing in the bathroom. You know who you are.

Music :
"Giant Wyrm" Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

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Hey all, Killer Orange Cat here! So many horror channels give you the same stories over and over. That doesn't happen here. Almost every true story told on this channel is original and exclusive to this channel. So when you're looking for new true horror stories, you'll know you won't get the also run ones here. Now, occasionally I might dabble in doing a classic or new creepypasta that isn't exclusive to this channel, but all my true stories are.

You can contact me personally at However please do not contact me to join a multi channel network. I am not interested in that at this time.

Most of the stories on this channel are protected through agreement with Jacob Fox and the authors that the stories may not be used on any other channel without permission from both Killer Orange Cat and the authors.Others are noted.

The gothic tabby picture is be Bekah C visit her website: