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Nose Boop For Deer?

Published on Tue, Mar 19th 2024 Pets & Animals Rectangular HD

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This channel is all about being more in love with nature, along with life lessons and fun.

This channel showcases chipmunks, black squirrels, raccoons, red squirrels, chickadees, deer, blackbirds, wild turkeys, ducks, Canada geese, and any other interesting wildlife we come across during our nature walks.

I started this Channel to help people smile more during the pandemic. I just took my phone out on my nature walks, and shared my experiences with wildlife.

The basic values of this channel are:
1. Encouraging people to be more in love with nature.
2. Promoting a sincere effort towards humility: I like to remind myself that the Universe is infinite and so is my ignorance.
3. Inspire people to be more loving to all beings, because when we love greatly - we live greatly.
4. Keep things fun: As Yogananda says, we're here for 2 reasons: Our education and entertainment!