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If He's Not Serious, STOP CHASING & Do This Instead... | RC Blakes

Published on Wed, May 24th 2023 Education Rectangular HD

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On Today's Episode:

You're worried that if you do it, you’ll lose out, he’ll move on and someone else is going to replace you. This episode is all the reasons why you should walk away anyway. Be willing to stand for yourself and hold yourself to the highest standard because you are worth so much more.

Put your self-respect first and make sure the partner you’re giving your time to has earned access to you, your heart, and your vulnerabilities.

Pastor RC Blakes is a voice for female empowerment that doesn’t dance around hard conversations and addresses the realities women are struggling with in society. He’s the bestselling author of Queenology, Father-Daughter Talks, Soul-Ties and more. He and his wife, Lisa, also host women's conferences to bring healing and power to women in search of a better version of themselves free of abuse and manipulation.

In this short clip with RC Blakes, we get a complete break down on what we lose chasing the wrong men and everything there is to gain when you’re willing to walk away, even when it hurts.

RC Blakes Wisdom:

“A wife is a woman that sets a certain standard, holds to it, and demands that I meet her at that level.’

“If you don’t know who you are you don’t know who fits into your future.”

“One of the greater tragedies of a woman that gets caught up in a situation where a man keeps circling and drawing her back in. He’s made you unavailable for the right kind of man, the right kind of love that’s ultimately seeking to find you.”

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This YouTube channel provides a wealth of knowledge and inspiration centered around personal growth, relationships, and self-improvement, featuring interviews, discussions, and educational videos hosted by experienced coaches, therapists, and guest speakers. Topics range from overcoming limiting beliefs, developing self-confidence, improving communication skills, deciphering manipulation tactics, to navigating complex dynamics in romantic relationships.
Build your confidence, one badass guest at a time! 💪💥

Subscribing to this channel will lead to feeling like a badass with total confidence, zero excuses, & living life on your frikin terms! Boundaries, commanding respect & believing you are enough are HIGHLY contagious side effects!

Before co-founding the billion-$ company Quest Nutrition, writing my best-selling book Radical Confidence, & becoming president of Impact Theory Studios I had ZERO confidence! I was playing small, trying to be a good Greek housewife, but totally lost myself in the process. And so homie, this channel is for anyone who is tired, lost & fed up! And I interview some of the most successful & inspiring women in the game to bring you the straight-up, no-BS approach to help you KEEP. GETTING. BACK. UP!

So get ready for a dose of badassasy! Get ready to be motivated. Get ready to be empowered to stop waiting for someone to come & save you & finally become the hero of your own life!

Much Love,
Lisa B xxx