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Gary Lange's Amazing Rainbow Fish Collection and Fish Room Tour

Published on Tue, Jan 29th 2019 Education Rectangular HD

Hello World! Today I want to share with you a super epic rainbowfish collection, which even may be the biggest in the world. So many rarities and also stories of even collecting them. Gary is an awesome guy and I thank him for his hospitality and friendship! Hope you and him like it!

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Expect the Unexpected CEO of No Filter and President of Doing IT Different *Keeping Aquariums? Tired of your fish dying? This Aquarium channel will help!
I keep hundreds of natural aquariums and some of the rarest fish. Lots of Aquarium goodness to learn and see :)
This channel is for all Aquarium enthusiast. Documents my hundreds of NO Filter planted aquariums and much more aquatic freshwater happenings. Aquarium Fish, shrimp, plants, and more. I keep them natural and simple and always teach others to put their faith into mother nature and do the same. It also saves lots of $$$!!