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Giving my chef husband a break (except everything is cake) #shorts

Published on Mon, Mar 20th 2023 Entertainment Rectangular HD

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Automatic summary
This YouTube channel primarily revolves around the life and experiences of a charismatic content creator, often joined by her chef-husband and adorable children. Videos encompass storytimes, Q&A sessions, cooking adventures, product reviews, and glimpses into their daily routines as influencers and parents. Collaborating frequently with brands such as Kroger, Amazon Prime, and White Box Boutique, the channel promotes creativity, resourcefulness, and family values.
Welcome to our YouTube channel! We are The Scotts! Our journey started as high school sweethearts and we love capturing our every day craziness 🙃 Here you will find relatable hilarious videos with the goal of making you laugh and be inspired ❤️ Subscribe to our channel if you want to follow our shenanigans!