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Point Culture sur les memes (Nyan Cat, Trololo...)

Published on Sun, Nov 27th 2011 Entertainment Rectangular SD

Je vous propose cette vidéo sur les phénomènes Internet ^^ Liste des memes utilisés pour le top 20 :

1. Trololo
2. Nonono Cat
3. Nyan Cat
4. Hamster Dance
5. All your base are belong to us
6. Numa Numa
7. Leakspin
8. Pedobear
9. Chuck Norris Fact
10. Trollface
11. Smiley
12. Coucou tu veux voir ma bite
13. Peanut Butter Jelly Time
14. Evolution of dance
15. Potter Puppets Pal
16. This is Sparta
17. Angry german kid
18. Chocolate rain
19. Leave Britney alone
20. Tunak tunak tun

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Automatic summary
This YouTube channel primarily hosts satirical reviews and commentaries on various publications and media franchises, such as books, films, and anime. Featuring fictional interactions between publishers, editors, and authors, the channel creatively addresses clichés, issues, and controversies related to specific works and genres. Additional content consists of lists, recommendations, and analyses of popular culture phenomena, including characters, quotes, and scenes from cinema and television.
Bienvenue sur la chaîne de Links, la maison des Points Culture, des Parenthèses, des 50/50, du Pire Éditeur au monde et plein d'autres trucs drôles... a priori... j'essaye en tout cas.