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Jim Willie: Silver Byproduct Supply Problems Could Mean 5 Fold Gains in Silver?

Published on Wed, Jun 15th 2016 Education Rectangular SD

Jason Burack of Wall St for Main St interviewed returning guest, editor of the Hat Trick Letter at Golden Jackass, Jim Willie.

During this hour+ long interview, Jason asks Jim questions about the global economy and markets including:

1) Former Goldman Sachs alumni and current Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank President recently said in public that the Federal Reserve serves Main St. Do you agree with him?

2) Will the powerful politicians and bureaucrats running the EU allow Brexit to occur?

Look inside the ECB's asset buying (manipulation) program (of propaganda)

3) Do you think the economic and political elites were meeting at the recent Bilderberg meeting to discuss how to implement fully digital currencies and a cashless society on a global scale?

4) Do you think the US wants a new president in place in Brazil to allow US oil companies to buy up assets from PetroBras as Petrobras faces financial problems from low oil prices and too much debt? Are the Chinese also planning how to get involved in this with strategic investments into mining and oil in Brazil?

5) China is now issuing RMB bonds from it's BRICs bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank. In your opinion what does this mean for the global financial system and the Petro Dollar?

6) Bloomberg recently ran an article saying that the Chinese want to have more control over how all commodities are priced since China is the largest buyer of many commodities. Do you think China is doing a step by step process to castrate the LBMA and the COMEX?

7) Do you think there's a manipulation tug of war in the oil market between Russia/Saudis who want the higher cost producers all bankrupt while Wall St banks want to move oil prices higher to avoid declaring tens of billions in bad oil loans?

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Jim Willie Silver Gold Petro Dollar RMB SDR Special Drawing Right Gold Mining Gold Refining ECB Global Economy Global Macro Federal Reserve Bank PetroBras US Dollar US Treasury Commodities China Yuan Currency Brazil Corruption Brazil Olympics Brazil Brazil Impeachment EU European Union Copper Mining Base Metal Mining Wall Street Banks Oil Petroleum


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