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How to: Pothos Plant in Your Aquarium

Published on Thu, Jul 7th 2022 Entertainment Rectangular HD

Adding a pothos plant to your aquarium can greatly benefit your fish tank. The pothos plant removes nitrates from the water which helps the fish live a healthier life. By removing the nitrates in your aquarium water you will also have to change the water. But maintenance will be a lot easier. A Pothos plant can also add a majestic jungle affect to your fish tank.

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Step one to adding a Pothos plant to your fish tank is to purchase the plant itself. You can either purchase a plant from a store or find a friend with a plant that you can clip off a section of the plant. As long as you have a stem with a couple of leaves and a node it will work.

Step two is to insert the Pothos plant correctly into the fish tank. You want to make sure that the water level is correct and the leaves of the plant are not touching water. The leaves of the Pothos plant do not like water whatsoever.

Step three is to raise your aquarium light so that the Pothos plant can absorb some of that light from the fixture. A lot of people make this mistake and the plant doesn’t receive enough light. Pothos plants actually love lots of lighting. The plant is going to do much better with adequate amounts of light and your fish tank light is perfect for that.

Step four is going to be to give the plant time to grow. Pothos plants in water do grow a little slower than what you might think. It will probably take a couple of months to see progress. Once the plant gets adjusted to its scenario after a couple of months it will grow a lot faster after that.

0:00 - Intro
0:22 - Pothos Plant Aquarium Benefits
0:55 - My Experience with Pothos Plants
1:44 - Types of Pothos Plants
2:16 - Pothos Plant Roots Explanation
3:14 - Remove Pothos Plant from Pot
4:14 - Using a Clipping vs Entire Plant
4:49 - Cleaning Pothos Plant Roots
5:28 - Separating Individual Plant Stems
5:50 - Preparing Pothos Plants for Aquarium
6:09 - Placing Pothos Plant in Aquarium
6:30 - Lighting for Aquarium Pothos
7:20 - Reasons Aquarium Pothos Plants Die
7:40 - Best Lights for Pothos Plants
7:50 - Outro

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When I had a LFS years ago, people would buy everything at Walmart, then carry it to my store and ask me to teach them how to set it up. At first I just sucked it up and helped them, thinking maybe they would come back, but they never did. After a while I started telling them that I only offered that as a free service to my own customers, and the consultant’s fee for everyone else was $150. A few people did actually take the cheap a$$ Walmart stuff back and buy from us.

We also once did an experiment where we put some nicely colored large, healthy Swordtails from a great wholesaler in a tank and put some other inferior specimens from a lousy wholesaler, (anybody remember Gators of Miami, from the 70s, they sucked), and priced them at a 3 percent differential. The vast majority of customers chose the underweight, sickly ones that were 3 percent less, even when told we could only guarantee the more expensive ones.

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Frustrating for small businesses focusing on quality. We finally just gave up on Freshwater fish altogether to focus on Marine, because those customers understood the concept of value. I hated to do it, but it relieved a lot of anxiety. Finally with pet superstores, we threw in the towel. I don’t know how anybody makes it anymore with those and online sales to compete with.

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