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Flat Top Paramotor Fly Camping Bahamas!!! Practical Jet Pack Ultralight Powered Paraglider

Published on Tue, May 29th 2012 Autos & Vehicles Rectangular HD

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Flat Top paramotor jet pack type aircraft shows powered paragliding with wppga approved gear has more than 1001 uses. Fly camping is a new sport where you fly to your destination in remote areas and camp out. Then fly back. The Flat Top Ninja & K2 paraglider are the biggest advancements in the history of paramotoring at this time. The Flat Top Ninja paramotor has the best power to weight ratio while also offering the highest level of safety, durability and reliability. The K2 paraglider weighs only 7 lbs. The new ultra high tech materials not only give it an incredibly low weight and high durability but the handling, glide ratio and safety are also by far the best in its class. Never before have we seen such an incredible level of performance in the beginner class safety of gliders. The K2 has far beyond a beginner class of performance though, the handling and glide ratio is so good that many of the worlds most experienced pilots are flying them just for the fun factor and enjoy the phenomenal safety as just an extra perk. Still to date zero people have ever died on wppga recommend paramotoring equipment like the Flat Top Ninja & K2.

If your ready to take your first flight, Super Training is my 10-day paramotor training school where I personally take you from never having touched the glider to a master pilot in only 10-days. I do 5 training classes a year with 15 students a class down in Corpus Christi, Texas. I've been running these training classes for 18 years and have trained over 700 students safely.

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Fly Camping jet back style pilot Instruction WPPGA Search Rescue Paramotor Paragliding para gliding paraglider paraglide para motor ultralight ultralight aircraft ultralighting parapent parapente hangglider hang glider powered parachute U-turn USA flat top ninja 200 super evo 120 mz 313 rotary m25y emotion obsession cima k2 sky products simonini harness air trike usppa fraud causes wing tandem cage lesson lessons paramotor


Hobby Lifestyle (parent topic) Tourism


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(801-631-1731) ( Paramotor/powered paragliding/ppg/paragliding channel brought to you by Dell Schanze!

The most important thing to consider when choosing a paramotor, paraglider, and training is safety.

Our paraglider, the DOMINATOR, has proven over the last 10 YEARS to be the SAFEST paraglider in the world all without sacrificing ANY performance. The DOMINATOR can do almost everything full acro gliders can do while still maintaining beginner level safety.

Our paramotor, The FLAT TOP is without a doubt the SAFEST paramotor earth has EVER seen. I personally designed, built, and fly the FLAT TOP. It is designed to address all the well known issues in the sport which no other paramotor has addressed at all.

Our training, SUPER TRAINING, is the best skill builder and safest training out there. Build more skill in ONLY 10-days than other schools instructors have.

Learn more by calling (801-631-1731)