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Flat Earth is WAY WORSE than you think…

Published on Tue, Jun 4th 2024 Science & Technology Rectangular HD

The Earth is not flat...and yet MANY real people ACTUALLY believe it. They aren't trolling, either, and this documentary is a deep dive into the world of the Flat Earth theory, exposing the deception, dishonesty, and disgusting underpinnings of their worldview, one we knew was wrong a thousand years ago.

Massive thanks to @MCToon @FTFEOfficial & @DaveMcKeegan for taking the time to sit and chat with me, show them and their channels some love!

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☆ Chapters ☆
0:00:00 Intro
0:02:56 Why make a video about Flat Earth?
0:07:07 What do they NOT believe?
0:12:04 The problem faced by modern science
0:17:00 Part 1 - They don’t understand scale or perspective
0:19:15 Where is the curve?
0:22:14 The scale of the Earth
0:28:10 Properly modeling curvature on the globe
0:34:56 The relative sizes of continents
0:39:26 Part 2 - They don’t understand abstract concepts
0:48:29 The epitome of Dunning-Kruger
0:50:34 A replication of Eratosthenes’ experiment
0:55:48 The relationship between Math and Science
1:02:58 The importance of models in science
1:06:28 Why you can’t accurately map the Flat Earth
1:19:49 Predicting eclipses with the globe model
1:20:33 What does the flat earth model say?
1:24:52 Nobody would sponsor a video about flat earthers
1:26:37 Part 3 - They don’t understand science
1:31:46 Flat earthers are roleplaying as scientists
1:34:43 Please disregard this section
1:39:21 Flat earthers are pseudoscientists
1:42:01 They don’t know how to create hypotheses or make predictions
1:43:07 They don’t understand how to evaluate alternative hypotheses
1:43:48 They don’t understand refraction
1:44:45 The speed of light
1:45:45 They don’t understand Snell’s Law
1:48:24 They don’t understand downward refraction
1:58:52 They don’t understand scientific methodology
2:04:11 They don’t understand boats going over the horizon
2:18:35 They don’t understand sunsets
2:21:28 The pseudoscience cycle
2:22:54 They don’t understand perspective - Football field example
2:27:22 They don’t understand perspective - Table example
2:32:33 They don’t understand language
2:35:36 They don’t understand gravity
2:52:50 They don’t understand scientific theories or laws
3:01:48 They don’t understand level
3:17:56 Flat earthers only evidence is memes
3:22:02 They’re unwilling to present citations
3:26:43 The major cation
3:34:31 They don’t understand how to respond to citations
3:37:01 They don’t understand Michelson-Morley
3:52:10 They don’t understand how to make content
4:01:38 They don’t understand peer review
4:04:05 They don’t publish their “research”
4:04:45 Science is self-correcting
4:06:40 That time a flat earther proved the earth is a globe
4:11:32 Part 4 - They are intellectually dishonest
4:19:58 Case Study - Austin Witsit
4:38:28 Case Study - A Cruel Vision
5:03:17 Flat earthers ask for evidence and then reject it
5:10:04 Case Study - JMTruth
5:13:25 They DEFINITELY don’t understand the ‘abstract’
5:15:46 When flat earthers do curvature calculations...
5:23:35 JMTruth demonstrates his CGI expertise
5:34:19 I have a confession to make…
5:38:45 The real reason flat earthers believe what they believe…
5:43:14 Part 5 - They are conspiracy theorists
5:55:56 What do flat earthers actually believe?
6:02:23 A flat earth guru with “special knowledge”
6:03:41 The Dome
6:04:42 A local sun
6:05:31 Crepuscular Rays
6:06:29 The yo-yo de-spin mechanism
6:08:26 The firmament
6:09:52 They lie about Antarctica
6:13:35 They lie about being free-thinking truth seekers
6:20:02 Evaluating claims as a Scientific Skeptic
6:24:59 Evaluating claims as a Conspiracy Theorists
6:28:00 A flat earth critical thinker in action
6:31:29 Scientific Skepticism in practice
6:37:18 The dystopian nature of this problem
6:39:20 The flat earth worldview is a gateway drug
6:40:51 The deep connection between Flat Earth and Antisemitism
6:47:35 If you have no enemies, invent them
6:51:32 Memes are their modern day propaganda
6:52:26 They are the chosen ones
6:54:41 Flat earth is a virus that is evolving
7:05:14 Dehumanization and infantilization
7:06:25 Flat earth ruins lives
7:10:16 Nathan Thompson is a creep
7:12:47 Flat earth content is actually suppressed by platforms
7:15:59 Could suppressing flerf content make the problem worse?
7:19:45 YouTube might have originally created this monster
7:22:10 Is there a solution to this problem?
7:26:33 We might be wrong about the core problem
7:28:28 It might be a cult…
7:32:27 Final thoughts
7:34:55 One last montage for the road

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