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Aquarium Fish Keep Dying? #1 Reason Fish Die

Published on Sat, Apr 26th 2014 Pets & Animals Rectangular HD

My Aquarium fish keep dying and my fish tank is in bad shape. Use a water changer to change out your water every so often. They are a complete life saver!

Your aquarium fish keep dying because the water goes bad. You need to clean the gravel and change an amount of the water.

I've been getting a lot of questions on the fact of people keep having the fish die on them and their aquarium setups. For the most important aspects of setting up an aquarium is to have beneficial bacteria and have your tank set up as an ecosystem and not just a bucket of water. I have found that it's really hard to kind of phrase these words without being too scientific so if anything doesn't comprehend for you during watching this video make sure to hit up the comments section and ask any questions you have.

I have learned that if you set up your aquarium properly from the beginning that you're not going to have any more issues down in the future. Because just like everyone else I had a lot of issues in battled a lot of my fish dying on me and it was really sad to see that happen but I learned a lot through the process.

my fish keep dying and i dont know why because i have done everything to get it right its a 20 liters and its a tropical tank and at the moment i have 3 swordtail fish and a guppy i prevousliy had 5 guppys i have everything right the

ph levels are right
i clean the tank
i clean the filter
i add conditioner
i add the white spot cure
i change water

i do everything please help me ASAP

ps right now my to swordtail fish are lying at the bottem are they gonna dye there fins are moving still. My molly fish sits at the bottom... looks its very weak. Becoming lean & thin as well hardly eats. Not active at all.

3 months old aquarium. Dying 1 by by including my Platty fish. Temperature is 27 degree cent. Any tips. i just bought a couple of fishes. 2 sugker fish 2 guppy fish i guess and the other two i forgot .They seem okayy when i bought them but after putting them in the tank they slowly die one by one. is it because the temp too cold as when i touch the water it is cold.

I have a ten gallon tank that is pretty old, our family has used it for many types of fish over the years. It finally got handed down to me and I put my beloved betta fish in the tank after establishing the tank and my betta ended up dying. We assumed it was because the water was too cold so I got a heater for the tank and betta drops. I wanted to test the water so I first bought four guppies so they could breed so when we set up our 100 gallon tank we could just put the babies in, but they all died. We have had tanks our whole lives and we have no idea why they are dying, do you have any ideas because I am at a loss and broken hearted.

Have any previous fish had Ich? Is your water heated right? There's not too many other reasons why i could think of why they died. I just got 5 new African cichlids and i had 5 old ones. 4 of the new ones act weird and die a day later over the course of 2 days. The fifth one seems fine. Old ones are fine. But i know how you feel, you know, how fish keep dying. But don't buy bettas or weak little fish, buy Oscars, Red Devils, Jack Dempseys, or Green Terrors. Research before buying them though. They are really tough and last years.

I want to buy a new filter and I'm not sure of what procedures I have to go through to set it up. Do I just pop it in, turn it on and be done with it? I'm putting it into a tank that's already been set up and running for a good two years now. I just want to get a new filter because my current one is getting pretty old and noisy. Hopefully I can get a reply even though this video is two years old

umm we had a fish I named him skipper he was a live for a long time and we just got neon fish and some other typ of fish that breed so we could make a community tank and my dad asked the pet store people if we could get crayfish and they said tiny ones so they could not grow much so my dad got them and then a week later one of my fish went missing and the long cat fish it's whiskers got stuck to the cleaner thing that suks bad water out and me and my mom got it off there really carefully and it was dead then 2 days later all of my fish died I'm so sad right now but I will get over it hopefully the only fish I miss right now is skipper we had him for a long time do u know what could have happened if so please list it so it does not happen again.

i bought a new acuarium cause mine out of the blue started leaking , then i got some algae eater a pair of newst and my old goopi fish i put them inside the acuarium and the water got cloudy i changed the water and they all died .....whay did this happened i did everything i was supposed to ...pleease help

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I'm obsessed with fish aquariums! Let's be friends! I love fish, plants, shrimp, snails and whatever you can put in a fish tank.