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हिंदू निकले पैग़म्बर मुहम्मद ,नये सबूत हिला देंगे

Published on Tue, Mar 19th 2024 Education Rectangular HD

Muhammad himself was born a Hindu, Mahadev was worshipped, facts of this are also available.

There is a book from Iraq which was published by the Iraqi government itself. This book mentions the Arab world before 622 AD. Let us tell you that the religion of Islam was established in this year. It is told in the book that earlier there was a huge temple of Lord Shiva in Mecca, inside which there was a Shivalinga, which is still present in the form of a black stone in the Kaaba of Mecca. It is written in the book that poetry recitation and bhajans used to take place in the temple.

On the 257th page of the ancient Arabic poetry collection 'Seyrul-Okul', Labi-bin-e-Arvatb-bin-e-Turfa, born 2300 years before Mohammed and 1800 years before Jesus Christ, in his famous poem, wrote about the land of India and the Vedas. The honor given to is as follows-

“Aya Mubarekal Araj Mushaiye Noha Minar Hindi.
And Aradkallah Majjonajje Zikratun.1.

That lavajjaliyatun ainane sahbi arwe atun jikra.
वाहाजेही योनजजेलुररसूल मिनल हिंदतुन.2.

Yakuloonallah Ya Ahalal Araj Alameen Fullahum.
Fattebeu zikratul ved hukkun malan yonjweltun.3.

Wahoba Alamussam Wal Yajurminallahe Tanjilan.
फाई नोमा या अर्वीयो मुत्तवान योवसीर्योंजातुन.4.

Jaisnain Humarik Atar Naaseheen Ka-a-Khubatun.
And asanat alaudhan and hova mash-e-ratun.5.”

In other words-.
(1) Blessed are you, O holy land of India (Minar Hinde), because God has chosen you for His knowledge.
(2) That light of God's knowledge, which illuminates the entire world like four pillars of light, was manifested in four forms by the sages in Bharatvarsha (Hind Tun).

(3) And God commands the people of the whole world to behave according to the Vedas, which are my knowledge. (4) The stores of knowledge are Sama and Yajur, which God has provided. Therefore, O my brothers! Believe in them, because they show us the path to salvation.

(5) And two of them, Rik and Atar (Rigveda, Atharvaveda) teach us brotherhood, and one who takes refuge in them never falls into darkness.

Mohammed, the originator of the religion of Islam, himself was born as a Hindu in a Vedic family, and when he decided to break with the tradition and lineage of his Hindu family and declare himself a prophet, the joint Hindu family disintegrated.

And Hazrat Mohammad's uncle Omar-bin-e-Hashsham also had to lose his life in the war fought to protect the giant Shivalinga (Sangeswad) located in the Kaaba.

Umar-bin-e-Hashsham was so highly respected in Arabia and in the center of Kaaba (Mecca) that the entire Arab society, who were devotees of Lord Shiva and were keen singers of the Vedas and ardent worshipers of Hindu gods and goddesses, considered him Abul Hakam was called 'Father of Knowledge'. Later, the new sect of Mohammed, out of jealousy, condemned him by calling him Abul Jihal, the 'father of ignorance'.

When Mohammed attacked Mecca, the idols of Jupiter, Mars, Ashwini Kumar, Garuda and Narasimha were established there. There was also a statue of world conqueror Maharaja Bali, and due to his fame of being a donor, one of his hands was made of gold.

This idol, known as 'Holul', was placed there along with the idols of Abraham and Ismail. Mohammed broke all those idols and threw them in the well built there, but a piece of the broken Shivlinga is not only venerated in the Kaaba even today, but the Muslims going for Hajj worship that black stone block i.e. 'Sangay Aswad'. Kiss with respect.

Whereas in Islam, idol worship or praise of anyone other than Allah is prohibited.
The ancient Arabs called Sindh as Sindh and called other regions of India as Hindu. The talk of Sindh becoming Hindu is very unscientific. Even 2300 years before the birth of Mohammed, the originator of Islam, i.e. around 1800 AD, the words 'Hind' and 'Hindu' were used in Arabia in the same sense as they are used today.

The ancient rich culture of Arabia was Vedic and at that time it had close relations with India (Hind) in knowledge-science, art-skill, religion-culture etc. The Arabs liked the name Hind so much that they even named their women and children Hind after that country.

On page 253 of the Arabic poetry collection 'Se Arul-Okul', there is a poem by Hazrat Mohammad's uncle Omar-bin-e-Hashsham in which he has used Hinde Yauman and Gabul Hindu with great respect. The poem of ‘Umar-bin-e-Hashsham’ is written in black ink on the red stone pillar of the Yagyashala in the garden of Shri Laxminarayan Temple (Birla Mandir) on Mandir Marg in New Delhi, which is as follows –

” Kafvinak jikra min ulumin tab asek.
Kaluvan amatatul hawa wa tajakkaru.1.

Neither Taj Kheroha flew nor waved goodbye.
Valukaene Jaatallahe Aum Aseru.2.

Va Ahalolha Ajhu Araniman Mahadev O.
Manojel Ilamuddin Meenhum and Sayattaru.3.

Wa sahabi ve yam fem kamil hinde yauman.

Sir Arvalakan Hassanan Kullhum.
Najumun Aja At Summa Gabul Hindu.

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