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Mooch Mooch
United States - Jeux vidéo

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Started gaming decades ago and have no intention of stopping anytime soon. This channel is about all things gaming but with a twist. The twist is that all my content is revolved around difference of opinion and not always just agreeing with what the main stream gaming media says is hot and is not. When I was younger I played games that I felt brought myself and gaming to new heights. That includes new experiences and new technology as we move from generation to generation. You'll notice how my content discusses gaming as it relates to the weeks hottest news and rumors, always promising to provide content on the latest and most current events. That's my guarantee on this channel...to bring you new videos and podcasts weekly that make you think and encourage debate. Hope you all enjoy and make sure to comment on all the content. Let's Get To Gaming!

Twitter: @Mooch1978
Twitch: Twitch.TV/M00CHTV