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Hi there! This is my main channel that consists of mainly long-format, task-oriented videos that usually involve me attempting new projects that I'm not too familiar with. While learning, I often end up laughing at myself, so feel free to laugh along with me lol. I hope after seeing ME try new things, it motivates some of you to attempt something that may have intimidated you before. If I can try something new, you sure can too. I do also appreciate those of you who give me advice in the comments to do the job better the next time. I've added the link below to my second channel Jennifer Sugint 2. I intend to post more videos on topics that don’t quite fall in line with the content of this channel. I've wanted to post more music, trip vlogs, reviews and just random things that might not be of interest to the audience of my main channel. Feel free to subscribe if you’d like to see more. It will kind of be a “catch all” of videos of various topics and length. Thanks for your support!