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Jeux habituellement joués : Punch-Out!! (70%) • Punch-Out!! (13%) • Punch-Out!! (13%) •+ 1 supplémentaires

Informations sur la chaîne

Pays / Langue
YouTube id
Vidéo la plus ancienne
28 avril 2012
Conformité de la chaîne
Règles communautaires
Strikes copyright
Description de la chaîne
I am a Nintendo fan dedicated to bring you high quality, family friendly videos on a daily basis. I put alot of effort into the recording and editing of my videos; something that takes alot of work every day. YouTube has been my passion for years now and I'd love to support my viewers for years to come. The videos on this channel are my original creations and I aim to use as much creative input as possible when creating them.

I'm allowed to use Nintendo video game footage (including video and audio) for monetization on YouTube according to Nintendo's official Game Content Guidelines
for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms: www.nintendo.co.jp/networkservice_guideline/en/index.html

Channel art by Multicolored-Man


Ces données sont uniquement disponibles pour les utilisateurs premium et le propriétaire de la chaîne.

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I am a Nintendo fan dedicated to bring you high quality, family friendly videos on a daily basis. I put alot of effort into the recording and editing of my videos; something that takes alot of work every day. YouTube has been my passion for years now and I'd love to support my viewers for years to come. The videos on this channel are my original creations and I aim to use as much creative input as possible when creating them.

I'm allowed to use Nintendo video game footage (including video and audio) for monetization on YouTube according to Nintendo's official Game Content Guidelines
for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms: www.nintendo.co.jp/networkservice_guideline/en/index.html

Channel art by Multicolored-Man