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Science & Technology
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Vidéo la plus ancienne
10 août 2011
Conformité de la chaîne
Règles communautaires
Strikes copyright
Description de la chaîne
Science is a bottomless well of some of the most amazing things this universe has to offer. There is so much amazing science and engineering that gets done, but most often the only ones who get to experience it first hand are those in expensive labs in universities. This channel aims to explore as much of fields of science and engineering as possible by showing real experiments and research being done in a fun and accessible way. While the goal is to show that even very hard science can be done in a DIY way, some projects will use some of the fancier toys that while less accessible, opens a broader range of projects that can be done. We cover everything from genetic engineering and tissue culture, to nuclear physics, to machine engineering, to chemical synthesis and more.


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Résumé automatique
La chaîne présente une large gamme d'investigations scientifiques, allant de l'ingénierie génétique et de la culture de tissus à la bioingénierie avancée et aux expériences chimiques. Les expériences impliquent souvent la reconstruction de processus historiques, le développement d'idées futuristes et l'exploration de concepts biologiques de manière engageante et inventive.
Science is a bottomless well of some of the most amazing things this universe has to offer. There is so much amazing science and engineering that gets done, but most often the only ones who get to experience it first hand are those in expensive labs in universities. This channel aims to explore as much of fields of science and engineering as possible by showing real experiments and research being done in a fun and accessible way. While the goal is to show that even very hard science can be done in a DIY way, some projects will use some of the fancier toys that while less accessible, opens a broader range of projects that can be done. We cover everything from genetic engineering and tissue culture, to nuclear physics, to machine engineering, to chemical synthesis and more.