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Vidéo la plus ancienne
15 mai 2016
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Description de la chaîne
Hi, my name is Nick and I am from Ukraine.
What you see In my channel is my Hobby. I am not profeshional builder, carpenter or welder. I have a day job in finance.
My family and I live in a house which I built myself.
I enjoy creating, building and making all sorts of things for my home that would improve and make it more comfortable for my family.
The videos I share with you are about tips and ideas of all round things that could be done at home.
Majority of the work already posted were experimental and first time jobs.

Thank You for watching and subscribing !

NOTE: Please do not ask about my Permission to share my videos on Facebook or any other platform. If you use my videos, you can expect a copyright claim.


Ces données sont uniquement disponibles pour les utilisateurs premium et le propriétaire de la chaîne.

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Résumé automatique
Cette chaîne YouTube se concentre sur la mise en valeur de l'art de la menuiserie, mettant en vedette une variété de projets qui démontrent la beauté et la polyvalence du bois. Le public peut s'attendre à apprendre différentes techniques de menuiserie, outils et matériaux, ainsi qu'à assister à la transformation de matériaux bruts en meubles et en décors fonctionnels et esthétiquement agréables. Avec une emphase sur la créativité et le savoir-faire, la chaîne vise à inspirer et à éduquer les téléspectateurs sur l'artisanat de la menuiserie, offrant un aperçu de l'atelier et du processus derrière chaque création.
Hi, my name is Nick and I am from Ukraine.
What you see In my channel is my Hobby. I am not profeshional builder, carpenter or welder. I have a day job in finance.
My family and I live in a house which I built myself.
I enjoy creating, building and making all sorts of things for my home that would improve and make it more comfortable for my family.
The videos I share with you are about tips and ideas of all round things that could be done at home.
Majority of the work already posted were experimental and first time jobs.

Thank You for watching and subscribing !

NOTE: Please do not ask about my Permission to share my videos on Facebook or any other platform. If you use my videos, you can expect a copyright claim.