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Informations sur la chaîne

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Vidéo la plus ancienne
19 nov. 2013
Conformité de la chaîne
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Strikes copyright
Description de la chaîne
Hey. It's me. Raz. I started this channel to learn more about video games. In my attempts to do this, I've mainly focused on seeing what video games are like for people who don't play them (Gaming For A Non-Gamer) and exploring various themes/mechanics that I find interesting/questionable (pretty much everything else). I've covered things from Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra to Kendrick Lamar verses and the musical Hamilton, so you can expect me to talk about a wide range of topics. If this interests you, hang around; there might be something cool for you here.

Many videos on this channel were edited by Jesse Guarascia. He is incredible, and you should check out his twitter: https://twitter.com/Guarascia

Banner Art by Strekks
Avatar by CrystalFace


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Résumé automatique
GamingForANonGamer est une chaîne YouTube qui se concentre sur la présentation de joueurs et de non-joueurs à une variété de jeux vidéo, en explorant leurs mécanismes, leur conception et leurs contextes culturels. Présenté dans un format conversationnel, la chaîne propose des discussions sur les tendances récentes, des entretiens avec des professionnels de l'industrie et des comparaisons entre titres classiques et modernes. La chaîne encourage un environnement inclusif pour que les individus puissent apprendre la culture du jeu.
Hey. It's me. Raz. I started this channel to learn more about video games. In my attempts to do this, I've mainly focused on seeing what video games are like for people who don't play them (Gaming For A Non-Gamer) and exploring various themes/mechanics that I find interesting/questionable (pretty much everything else). I've covered things from Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra to Kendrick Lamar verses and the musical Hamilton, so you can expect me to talk about a wide range of topics. If this interests you, hang around; there might be something cool for you here.

Many videos on this channel were edited by Jesse Guarascia. He is incredible, and you should check out his twitter: https://twitter.com/Guarascia

Banner Art by Strekks
Avatar by CrystalFace