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10 mars 2007
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Prof. Spira is an acclaimed author, trusted natural health expert, founder of Mucus-free Life LLC, jazz trombonist, ethnomusicologist, and one of the most sought-after experts on Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System in the world. He has worked tirelessly to revive the works of Prof. Arnold Ehret and has helped hundreds of thousands of people learn how to transition toward a mucus-free lifestyle. After learning about the diet in 2002, within a year he'd lost over 100 pounds and overcame many ailments, including chronic migraine headaches, lower back pain, allergies, and chronic cases of bronchitis. He publishes several books related to the mucus-free lifestyle, including his best selling annotated version of Arnold Ehret's classic Mucusless Diet Healing System.


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Prof. Spira is an acclaimed author, trusted natural health expert, founder of Mucus-free Life LLC, jazz trombonist, ethnomusicologist, and one of the most sought-after experts on Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet Healing System in the world. He has worked tirelessly to revive the works of Prof. Arnold Ehret and has helped hundreds of thousands of people learn how to transition toward a mucus-free lifestyle. After learning about the diet in 2002, within a year he'd lost over 100 pounds and overcame many ailments, including chronic migraine headaches, lower back pain, allergies, and chronic cases of bronchitis. He publishes several books related to the mucus-free lifestyle, including his best selling annotated version of Arnold Ehret's classic Mucusless Diet Healing System.