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Vidéo la plus ancienne
7 févr. 2016
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Description de la chaîne
What is up everyone!!! Matt The Riff Master here!!! and welcome to The Riff Master Family!!! over here on the channel we review lots of gear, we play music, we discuss music, we do giveaways and most important of all WE HAVE FUN!!! that's right hang out as one big awesomely talented family of musicians and people who love music!!! and have fun!!! Music and playing guitar to me is everything and it is amazing being able to share that with other musicians and people around the world!! This is not just a channel its a family!!! a worldwide family of people who love hanging out playing music and having a good time!!! so come and subscribe and become a proud member of The Riff Master Family!! AND COME MAKE SOME NOISE!!! YEEEAAHHH!!!!

Thanks for checking out my channel and joining the Riff Master Family!!! You all rock!\m/

Endorsements : Ernie Ball
Blackstar Amps
Grainger Guitars


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What is up everyone!!! Matt The Riff Master here!!! and welcome to The Riff Master Family!!! over here on the channel we review lots of gear, we play music, we discuss music, we do giveaways and most important of all WE HAVE FUN!!! that's right hang out as one big awesomely talented family of musicians and people who love music!!! and have fun!!! Music and playing guitar to me is everything and it is amazing being able to share that with other musicians and people around the world!! This is not just a channel its a family!!! a worldwide family of people who love hanging out playing music and having a good time!!! so come and subscribe and become a proud member of The Riff Master Family!! AND COME MAKE SOME NOISE!!! YEEEAAHHH!!!!

Thanks for checking out my channel and joining the Riff Master Family!!! You all rock!\m/

Endorsements : Ernie Ball
Blackstar Amps
Grainger Guitars