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Informations sur la chaîne

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Vidéo la plus ancienne
28 nov. 2008
Conformité de la chaîne
Règles communautaires
Strikes copyright
Description de la chaîne
I want you to believe in yourself, to be free, and to love others. So I make YouTube videos to help you do more of that.

ON this channel you will see:
Me playing your favorite songs to make you smile
Me playing my original music, and they are all about those times in life when you fall down but get back up again
Me teaching you how to make drum sounds on your guitar so you can create the rhythms that move your heart
Me approaching people on the street and asking them to sing with me, so I can encourage them (and you) to crush fear and express the self

If you find this content good, leave as many comments as possible. This way I can make more videos specifically for you.


Ces données sont uniquement disponibles pour les utilisateurs premium et le propriétaire de la chaîne.

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Résumé automatique
Sing With Me For Free est une chaîne YouTube consacrée à la capture d'interactions spontanées entre musiciens et passants dans divers endroits du monde. La gamme de contenu de la chaîne va des concerts improvisés sur les trottoirs des villes aux collaborations surprises avec des habitants locaux, créant ainsi des échanges significatifs centrés autour de la musique. Les spectateurs peuvent anticiper des rencontres remplies de rires, d'inspiration et d'autonomisation, favorisant ainsi la diversité, l'expression de soi et l'unité.
I want you to believe in yourself, to be free, and to love others. So I make YouTube videos to help you do more of that.

ON this channel you will see:
Me playing your favorite songs to make you smile
Me playing my original music, and they are all about those times in life when you fall down but get back up again
Me teaching you how to make drum sounds on your guitar so you can create the rhythms that move your heart
Me approaching people on the street and asking them to sing with me, so I can encourage them (and you) to crush fear and express the self

If you find this content good, leave as many comments as possible. This way I can make more videos specifically for you.