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Vidéo la plus ancienne
11 avril 2010
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Description de la chaîne
Simeon Panda is one of the most influential fitness professionals in the world. He is a fitness entrepreneur who has immense popularity, not just because of his amazing physique, but for his character and high standards in representing the sports fitness industry.

He is respected for many reasons among his fans and followers worldwide, not least because of his highly positive and motivational approach to everything he does.
Simeon has graced the front covers, written for and been featured in major fitness publications worldwide like, MuscleMag, Train Mag, Muscle & Performance to name a few. He has appeared live on Australia’s Number one national breakfast tv show ‘The Today Show,’ New Yorks most popular urban radio station ‘Hot 97,’ he has also hosted seminars in countries all over the world.


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Résumé automatique
Cette chaîne YouTube marie habilement inspiration fitness, expériences personnelles et humour en illustrant le parcours d'une personne souhaitant améliorer sa santé globale et son apparence. Des téléchargements réguliers vous permettront de découvrir divers aspects du bienêtre physique, des conseils diététiques, des exercices adaptés et du contenu motivant.
Simeon Panda is one of the most influential fitness professionals in the world. He is a fitness entrepreneur who has immense popularity, not just because of his amazing physique, but for his character and high standards in representing the sports fitness industry.

He is respected for many reasons among his fans and followers worldwide, not least because of his highly positive and motivational approach to everything he does.
Simeon has graced the front covers, written for and been featured in major fitness publications worldwide like, MuscleMag, Train Mag, Muscle & Performance to name a few. He has appeared live on Australia’s Number one national breakfast tv show ‘The Today Show,’ New Yorks most popular urban radio station ‘Hot 97,’ he has also hosted seminars in countries all over the world.