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Autos & Vehicles
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Vidéo la plus ancienne
22 févr. 2013
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Description de la chaîne
About me:
I direct flying robots in the film industry, and drive a big tired Kitfox on the side. I prefer dirt to pavement and enjoy making fun videos along the way.

About the plane:
My plane that I call the "FreedomFox" is a Series 5 Kitfox STI. The "STI" stands for STOL Inspired, which is Kitfox Aircraft's "short take-off and landing" specific wing and landing gear package. The FreedomFox is running a Rotax 915iS Turbocharged/Fuel Injected engine making about 141hp. I like to think of her as the little kitfox that could, as I am normally flying with very high horsepower supercubs and carbon cubs that set a very high bar to keep up with. The kitfox, when flown correctly, holds its own even against the big boys!

Get some of my awesome clothing at: www.TrentPalmer.com


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Résumé automatique
Cette chaîne YouTube met en lumière divers aspects de l'aviation, y compris les innovations technologiques, les projets manuels, les revues et les expériences personnelles. Avec des documentaires informatifs, des interviews de professionnels de l'industrie et des tutoriels, les vidéos abordent des sujets tels que l'entretien des aéronefs, les modifications et les réparations ; la formation et la sécurité en vol ; la photographie et la vidéographie aérienne ; et les activités de vol récréatif. Les passionnés peuvent s'attendre à élargir leurs connaissances, à apprécier la beauté du vol et à s'engager auprès de la dynamique communauté de l'aviation.
About me:
I direct flying robots in the film industry, and drive a big tired Kitfox on the side. I prefer dirt to pavement and enjoy making fun videos along the way.

About the plane:
My plane that I call the "FreedomFox" is a Series 5 Kitfox STI. The "STI" stands for STOL Inspired, which is Kitfox Aircraft's "short take-off and landing" specific wing and landing gear package. The FreedomFox is running a Rotax 915iS Turbocharged/Fuel Injected engine making about 141hp. I like to think of her as the little kitfox that could, as I am normally flying with very high horsepower supercubs and carbon cubs that set a very high bar to keep up with. The kitfox, when flown correctly, holds its own even against the big boys!

Get some of my awesome clothing at: www.TrentPalmer.com