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Vidéo la plus ancienne
5 juin 2012
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Description de la chaîne
It all began in 1946 with a man named Truett Cathy, a restaurant called The Dwarf Grill and the Original Chicken Sandwich.

From there, the first Chick-fil-A Restaurant was opened and a small, family business took off to make delicious history.

Even though we've grown to become the second largest quick-service chicken restaurant chain in the United States, we're still family owned and as original as that first chicken sandwich. We'd like to invite you to see how it all began and join other fans by watching and sharing originally created videos. You continue to inspire us with your amazing videos, love of chicken and the stories you share.


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Résumé automatique
La chaîne YouTube de Chick-fil-A se concentre sur des récits touchants, des histoires originales et du contenu éducatif, axés sur les valeurs, la philanthropie et l'esprit communautaire inclusif. Attendez-vous à des histoires de croissance personnelle, de dépassement des difficultés et de liens émotionnels, souvent associés à des collaborations de marque, des concours, des promotions et des récompenses. Regardez des courts métrages animés, des interviews et des productions style documentaire mettant en vedette des professionnels dévoués, des bénévoles, des dirigeants, des agriculteurs, des savants, et des clients, inspirés par l'hospitalité et la générosité emblématiques de Chick-fil-A.
It all began in 1946 with a man named Truett Cathy, a restaurant called The Dwarf Grill and the Original Chicken Sandwich.

From there, the first Chick-fil-A Restaurant was opened and a small, family business took off to make delicious history.

Even though we've grown to become the second largest quick-service chicken restaurant chain in the United States, we're still family owned and as original as that first chicken sandwich. We'd like to invite you to see how it all began and join other fans by watching and sharing originally created videos. You continue to inspire us with your amazing videos, love of chicken and the stories you share.