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Vidéo la plus ancienne
25 oct. 2012
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Description de la chaîne
My name is Garrett Watts & I just wanna make cool things for you. I love so many things about this world & I just want to share those things with you. Plain and simple, because at risk of sounding like a 4th grade teacher named Suzanne; Life is fundamentally fun & fascinating. No matter what I do on this channel, my videos will always reflect that belief.

I don't care about fame, numbers or ego. I just wanna have a great time with you, and my #1 favorite aspect of my channel is interacting with you! I want to know YOU, so talk to me!

Thank you, and I hope you have as much fun watching my videos as I have making them for you.


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Résumé automatique
Chaîne YouTube hébergée par Garrett Watts, axée sur des expériences aventureuses, des enquêtes paranormales, des concepts culinaires innovants et divers expériences divertissantes, offrant aux spectateurs des récits haletants, des révélations surprenantes et des éclats de rire fréquents.
My name is Garrett Watts & I just wanna make cool things for you. I love so many things about this world & I just want to share those things with you. Plain and simple, because at risk of sounding like a 4th grade teacher named Suzanne; Life is fundamentally fun & fascinating. No matter what I do on this channel, my videos will always reflect that belief.

I don't care about fame, numbers or ego. I just wanna have a great time with you, and my #1 favorite aspect of my channel is interacting with you! I want to know YOU, so talk to me!

Thank you, and I hope you have as much fun watching my videos as I have making them for you.