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Vidéo la plus ancienne
5 juil. 2013
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Description de la chaîne
I. In 2013, That Brown Nerd started a quest to discover the people of the outside world. He is tired of living in his mom's basement and with the help of his 12yr old army he will know what to say once he comes across them. Thanks for watching! Make sure to share with your Mom and brush your teeth, floss, and mouthwash. PPPPPPPpppppeace

In 2023, Brown Nerd started a fetch quest to do the "Fart Prank" over and over and over until he has enough EXP to defeat the elite four in Earth Realm. In order to defeat the elite four, Brown Nerd has acquired the Sharter and the Pooter in order to start the series of non-stop fetch quests. Fart Prank after Fart Prank after Fart Prank.... the grind never ends. Thanks for watching! Make sure to share with your Mom and brush your teeth, floss, and mouthwash. PPPPPPPpppppeace

Here you will find FART PRANKS only.

Business email: BrownNerdBusiness (at) gmail.com


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I. In 2013, That Brown Nerd started a quest to discover the people of the outside world. He is tired of living in his mom's basement and with the help of his 12yr old army he will know what to say once he comes across them. Thanks for watching! Make sure to share with your Mom and brush your teeth, floss, and mouthwash. PPPPPPPpppppeace

In 2023, Brown Nerd started a fetch quest to do the "Fart Prank" over and over and over until he has enough EXP to defeat the elite four in Earth Realm. In order to defeat the elite four, Brown Nerd has acquired the Sharter and the Pooter in order to start the series of non-stop fetch quests. Fart Prank after Fart Prank after Fart Prank.... the grind never ends. Thanks for watching! Make sure to share with your Mom and brush your teeth, floss, and mouthwash. PPPPPPPpppppeace

Here you will find FART PRANKS only.

Business email: BrownNerdBusiness (at) gmail.com