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Jeux habituellement joués : Apex Legends (97%) • Gigantic (1%) • Aimlabs (1%)

Classements de la chaîne


Raynday Gaming Raynday Gaming
United States - Gaming


Raynday Gaming Raynday Gaming
United States - Gaming


Raynday Gaming Raynday Gaming
United States - Gaming
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Never Give Up, Never Stop Gaming.

Bio - LA born and raised, Former NCAA D1 Athlete (UCLA 13') and MLS Drafttee (D.C. United), I've been gaming my entire life and enjoy bringing my passion and energy to this Raynstorm community. You can expect clear and concise explanations, animated conversation, and a commitment to creating innovative and valuable content that will make you laugh and feel good. I am also a Professional Esports Commentator and Host for Apex Legends, Madden, Fortnite, Smite, Paladins, Fall Guys, Rainbow Six Siege and more!

As always,

Never Give Up, Never Stop Gaming