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Fortnite Clips Fortnite Clips
United States - Gaming


Fortnite Clips Fortnite Clips
United States - Gaming


Fortnite Clips Fortnite Clips
United States - Gaming
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Fortnite Clips brings you the highest quality, edited Fortnite videos. We are committed to only uploading the best Fortnite videos possible. All videos uploaded are highly edited by me primarily using editing programs Adobe Premiere Pro and Photoshop. All of my videos are created with one purpose in mind. To make you smile. I have a massive love for the Fortnite community. I hope you can appreciate the style and sense of humor that I bring to these videos. I've always loved adding in my own personal touch to the videos and will continue to do so, to bring you guys the best and original videos. If you enjoy my work then come join the fun by making sure you subscribe!