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Jeux habituellement joués : Palworld (11%) • Baldur's Gate 3 (11%) • Mario Bros. (11%) •+ 4 supplémentaires

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My name is Mary. I'm from Australia! I make reactions/reviews on movies/tv shows and play games. Thanks for stopping by, be sure to subscribe and turn on bell notifications so you don't miss a post from me. Also, check the community tab on my channel, cos I will often have discussions on there or make polls where you can help me make decisions on tv/movies and whatever else I need help with decided to react to on my channel. :)

If you've asked a question, it's probably been answered on my FAQ page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_FkcwQ0vPAAk53YVyo-ChXc9AuX1pn5gbctrOkX13xA/edit?usp=sharing
If not feel free to comment or tweet me and I'll do my best to answer :)