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TryHardNinja TryHardNinja
United States - Music


TryHardNinja TryHardNinja
United States - Music


TryHardNinja TryHardNinja
United States - Music
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Hey guys, I'm TryHardNinja the video game singer. I'm a singer songwriter that makes songs about video games! Everything from Minecraft songs, to Five Nights at Freddy's songs, to even Undertale and Call of Duty songs. I make them all. Click the subscribe button above and you will be notified when I post new music videos!

I get asked a lot if it's ok to use my music in videos. For the complete answer please refer to my music usage terms on my website at http://tryhardninja.com/MusicUsageTerms

If you're looking for gameplay I post playthroughs / gameplays / walkthroughs on my gaming channel GamingAwesomeYT.