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Jeux habituellement joués : ROBLOX (48%) • FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN' (5%) • Super Mario 3D Land (1%)

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PghLFilms PghLFilms
United States - Gaming


PghLFilms PghLFilms
United States - Gaming


PghLFilms PghLFilms
United States - Gaming
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Hello, I am PghLFilms! Welcome to my channel! I do animation films, gaming videos, and music compositions. My whole purpose in this channel is to make sure everyone is having a good time watching my videos. I want to show you all I can be more than just a family-friendly YouTuber. Heh, I can find workarounds despite my limitations. Sure, I can't satisfy everyone and not everyone likes me, but that'll never stop me from doing what I love best! Enjoy my stuff!